1.  Learn about Environmental policy and the legislative process.  This internship is for a state-wide organization, CAFO-Watch, which is invested in ensuring that large-scale, intensive animal operations, such as hog and dairy operations, are being monitored to protect the surrounding community’s water and air quality.  For this internship, you will work with CAFO-Watch director Barbara Sha Cox.  The internship is mainly focused on the upcoming state legislative session in the spring.  Her contact info:  barbarasha1@msn.com


2.  Learn about environmental management and leadership.  This internship is with the Earth Charter.  You will be working with director, Jim Poyser, the former editor of NUVO news weekly.  His contact info:  jimpoyser@earthcharterindiana.org


3.  Learn how to work on environmental campaigns in a local context.  This internship is with the Sierra Club.  You will be working with Butler alumnus, Jodi Perras.  Her contact info:  jodi.perras@sierraclub.org



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