Brown Bag Series – “The New Mechanical Philosophy” by Stuart Glennan

The Butler Brown Bag Series for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work presents “The New Mechanical Philosophy” by Stuart Glennan, Philosophy and Religion, on Tuesday, January 28, noon-1:00 p.m. in AU111 (UClub).

Natural and social scientists often characterize their work as a search for the mechanisms responsible for the phenomena they study. While this way of thinking about the nature of science has its origins in 17th century philosophy, contemporary philosophers of science have only recently begun to think about mechanisms. The result has been an explosion of work on the nature of mechanisms, and their relation to causation, explanation, modeling, and discovery that has come to be known as the New Mechanical Philosophy.

Please join us for a discussion with Stuart Glennan on his sabbatical research for his book on this emerging area in the philosophy of science.

Students, staff, and faculty are all welcome. No RSVP required. Light refreshments will be provided – please feel free to bring your lunch.


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