STS Majors and minors, please note that the candidate presentations CAN serve as cocurricular events – All presentations will end at 12:55 with a Q&A to follow.  Students and faculty with 1:00 classes can leave when necessary.


Jesse Van Gerven, Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology, University of Missouri, degree expected May 2014

Graduate Instructor, University of Missouri

Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 12:15-1:15 in PB205

 Presentation Title:  “The Social Dimensions of Energy Systems in Contemporary Societies


We will be discussing the ways energy systems (electricity) take on important social, cultural, political, and economic meanings as these systems are developed, implemented, contested and negotiated.  We will focus on how the negative costs of energy systems, manifested primarily through environmental pollution and ecological destruction, disproportionately impact poor and minority communities. More specifically, we will examine the production of nuclear power and the associated nuclear-fuel-chain as a means of demonstrating the social dimensions of energy systems; again focusing on how the associated environmental and human-health burdens become concentrated in low-income communities and communities of color. 


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