
Here is my #heweb10 wrap-up: Hilton Netherlands sucks … period, got cool conference swag (which I am giving to Lisa), iOS workshop rocked (can’t wait to begin building iPhone apps), received free 2GB USB key, “March Madness” presentation went well but not well attended (1/3 of attendees received door prizes), great snacks, Mountain Dew this year (!!!), Steve Krug is crazy but fun, great weather, walking around Cincinnati was exhilarating, Skyline rocked, Graeter’s ice cream was delicious (TWICE!), Nada’s spicy Mexican food was AWESOME, Scotti’s Italian was just scary, got a few website scaling tips, feel much more informed about HTML5 and verified we’ve done a nice job with our Google Mini XSLT. Whew! Time to return to my routine, digest the new info and try out what I learned. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Indy Drummer, Sean Ford. Sean Ford said: RT @indydrummer: My #heweb10 summary wrap-up: http://blogs.butler.edu/timroe/2010/10/13/highedweb-2010-wrap-up/ […]