This week we began to create ice breakers for the students at Shortridge to do before they started writing. Ice breakers usually get students to get to know each other a little better. It encourages the students to read their poetry out loud for others to enjoy their work as well. This activity let the students relax and write what they wanted without feeling pressured.

“This is My Life” by Jammonica
Money Line: I finished what I started when the day I became a daydreamin’ hero.

“Breathing, Hero” by Katrina
Money Line: I like to say “my life is a puzzle, I fall apart but in the end someone picks up my pieces and puts me back together.” That person who picks me up in the end is my mom.

“Fishing” by Garrell
Money Line: The same way I feel. That’s what I’m trying to do in this business. I’m about being single, seeing double, and making triple.

“Thirteen Ways of Looking at Food” by Jamyila
Money Line: That is not yo nacho cheese, so hurry up and bring it to me please!

Contributed by Dessirae Turner