Emily Loughman – Help! We Need a Title!

51BLOVKrC6L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Help! We Need a Title! by Hervé Tullet is about a story that is unfinished. This picture book for preschoolers combines drawn characters and pictures of Tullet himself! Some of the characters in this fun book consist of a blonde wizard girl, a pig, a snake, a stick man, a dog, and Tullet. It starts off talking about how the characters have not been given a story yet and how they try to make the book exciting so we won’t stop reading. They then bring in a bad guy to make the story more interesting, he then tells them to ask the author for a story! It is interesting because Tullet took pictures of just his shoulders and face..then drew a body on him to complete the picture. It was very unique and fun because I had not seen something like this before. In the end, Tullet makes up a story for the book; once it is over all the characters say goodbye and the story is over shortly after that. Preschoolers will enjoy this book because of the characters, colors, plot, and all the creative aspects to it.