10/4 ICR Reflection

During my time at IPS Newcomer, I helped two kids (Jose and Danury) with their essay outlines in Language Arts class with Mr. Swem. Jose and Danury were both writing about technology, how it has been incorporated in American lives and why they believe it is either a good or a bad thing. I was… Continue reading 10/4 ICR Reflection

ICR 10/6

I enjoyed my experience today. We worked on adding and subtracting integers in math. I walked around and helped different kids with the worksheet problems. Theresa needed hers explained in a different way, and once I was able to spend some time with her she worked through the problems quickly. There are two girls who… Continue reading ICR 10/6

10/6 IACA Meeting Reflection

On October 6, 2021, I attended the second Indiana Association of Chinese Americans (IACA) meeting where I got to meet Benny Ko. He introduced himself stating that he had moved here to the United States to attend Indiana State University and later attend medical school at Indiana University. He then went on to lecture us… Continue reading 10/6 IACA Meeting Reflection

Reflecting on “A Bad Joke”

Ha Jin wrote “A Bad Joke” about two peasants who are on trial for slandering the Chairman. They both make comment when shopping about how prices grow but the chairman’s height doesn’t, and it gets misconstrued as an insult upon the Chairman of the Party. This kind of comment is punishably, but they need the… Continue reading Reflecting on “A Bad Joke”

Reviewing MOTW Coffee

I recently had a giveback event at MOTW Coffee right here in Indy. I had never heard of it before and thought it was just another small business interested in partnering with my sorority. When we got there, I noticed a lot of international food markets and restaurants and remember thinking, “What a odd location… Continue reading Reviewing MOTW Coffee

10/5 Notes

I liked learning about how there’s always a balance between tradition and new concepts/ideas because change happens slowly and nothing ever truly stays the same. This makes sense because there are lots of traditions we’ve read about in the stories in Ha Jin “The Bridegroom” that are still relevant today, but maybe with a modern… Continue reading 10/5 Notes


Nimei the main character spends the entire portion of the story preparing to impress her old lover. She has not seen him in 17 years and since has started a family, gained weight, and had a simple life. Her family does not have a lot of money and her husband no longer has the job… Continue reading Flame

Tensions at the India-China border continue to grow

The Chinese are also pushing the boundaries and ignoring cease fire from India. Military leaders from both countries will be meeting for the 13th time this month and they have made no progress thus far. Pakistan offered to assist India with military however they rejected the help. Both countries have increased there deployment, India is… Continue reading Tensions at the India-China border continue to grow

BBC News: Tensions with China worst in 40 years says Taiwan

Recently China has start to fly planes over the island of Taiwan. The President of Taiwan said that they will do what ever it takes to keep China out. She also said that if China successfully invades them “authoritarianism has the upper hand over democracy” A record number of planes have entered into the Taiwan… Continue reading BBC News: Tensions with China worst in 40 years says Taiwan