

Hello everyone it pleases me to discuss the reading Tao Te Ching today. In Tao Te Ching, the reading for today, poems are use to elucidate the values of the Daoist school of though. While reading these poems you can see many similarities of modern American ideals. For example, using clear and unbiased judgement when making decisions. We see this discussed in poem 3 of the reading, “Therefore, the True Person governs by emptying the heart of desire and filling the belly with food, weakening ambitions and strengthening bones” (The Tao Te Ching 7). While this doesn’t align perfectly because too often time we let anterior motives govern our actions. This conjunction between these two tell us that daoism can be used to describe a good way to govern our country.

The take away i got from this reading is daoism is a philosophy of balance. We as Americans prefer to govern and judge with balance an this have parallels with the Daoist school of thought.