Patience; its a two way street. The most refreshing portion of this book for myself came from the reaffirmation of the importance of taking the time to understand a customer’s disposition. Patience is a staple and on the main keys to good service.

In my experiences working any type of position requiring some form of customer service, the most typical of person’s is coming to you for help because they can’t figure something out on their own. That being said you can assume they very well may be stressed, irritated, frustrated, or all of the above.

the most helpful portion for myself reminding myself that patience is in fact a virtue were chapter 34 & 35. While customers as rude as these are an example of an extreme case, it does in fact happen and its always good to keep things in perspective. At the end of the day their goal is simply to frustrate you and “get under your skin”. If you allow them to do as such, you’ll only be hurting yourself and in essence they have won. The goal is to solve the problem, and provide those persons with the answers they’re searching for regardless of how they do or don’t should or shouldn’t treat you.

I myself have a fairly low tolerance of persons who choose to be rude; chapters 34 & 35 were definitely beneficial in that I’ve got a bit more of  an enlightened take on now to approach these situations by way of new strategies in order to resolve situations in the most orderly fashion possible.

I look forward to meeting all of you and seeing you at the retreat!  :mrgreen: