Archive for August 31, 2012
1 to 2 lib/3 to 5 CAT
1So far since I havent been posting I will just say that I have been going over moodle and the
ipad in CAT and familiarizing myself in the library.
Brittany CAT 8/31/12
0Today I did some iMovie training on Atomic Learning. I also did some tutorials for the projectors in the classrooms and the SMART boards in the classroom as well.
Katie Library 8/30
0There were not many people at the library today. I looked over some lib guides and explored some databases. I did spend a big chunk of time helping a girl find books for a class, though.
0Today I spent a lot of my time working on the Moodle instructor videos. I have finally finished watching all of those. What I started after that was the atomic learning videos for dreamweaver. I am about halfway through those videos. I have not yet started the iMovie training. Tuesday, I believe, I will be starting the Moodle project.
Abby CAT 8-31
1I emailed you a review of the Ipad quick training. I finished the Moodle Instructor training and sent the certificate. I didn’t have access to a Mac to do the imovie training so I search for technology tips and articles instead.
Kate Stel 8/31 CAT
0I finished watching the instructor videos on atomic learning, poked around the bufiles, and began making my imovie
Kay’s Lib 8/31/12
0It has been a pretty uneventful day in the library. I answered a few IM messages and an email. Then, I read through some BU Answers and some other info.
Kay’s CAT 8/31/12
0In CAT today, I began my iMovie bio project. I ran into some difficulties after I put the photo reel together. Next, I watched Moodle atomic video tutorials again.
Lindsey Wacnik 8/31 Library
0Today I began looking up articles that I could use for the Annotaed Bibliography project.