Archive for September, 2012
LIB 9/24
0- Reviewed daily procedures
- assisted first Butler alum
- Worked w/ scanning single & multiple documents to self via email
Cierra Lib 9-24-12
0Today I did everyday tasks. I shelved about 10 books in music reference and 2 in regular reference. This means that the 3 people might not have checked for books to shelve. I am working on the Newsletter articles for Michelle. I am emailing Michelle about the Newsletter because some of the articles still are not claimed. I am working on what questions to ask Renee for the Librarian spotlight piece.
Lindsey Wacnik 9/24 CAT
0Today I went over the updated handbook, went through the iMovie PowerPoint, and finished my Dreamweaver assignment!
CAT 9/24
0- turned in new CAT policy agreement
- worked on Dreamweaver project
- reviewed Panopto session w/ professor Davidson
Lindsey Wacnik 9/24 Lib
0Today I learned how to scan (and send in an email) an item on the new copier!
Abby CAT 9-24
0Today I finished my Dreamweaver site and took the quiz (I accidentally submitted before I answered 1 question). I also updated a few Quick guides, finished iMovie training and sorta started playing with iMovie.
Kay’s CAT 9/24/12
0Today I became familiar with hand-on training using classroom mediation. Since there was a meeting going on, I decided against recording on Panopto. The other tasks listed have been completed. The rest of my shift, I watched atomic learning videos and reviewed the training materials in the shared folder.
Ryan CAT 9/23
0- Completed Dreamweaver Project
- Completed Moodle Instructor Project
- Completed iMovie Training and Bio Project
Friday library and CAT shifts
0I answered a few questions in the library and there was nothing other than working on projects in CAT.