Archive for October 3, 2012
Cierra Lib 10-3-12
0Did everyday tasks. Left printer wasn’t printing when I came in, it wasn’t registering the bottom trey. I opened and closed it and it worked again. Helped a student locate a book. Helped a student with a question about getting a book that is currently check out by another student. Helped a student with the scanner.
Library 4 to 6 Oct 3rd
0I only had to log a few people in during my shift.
Lindsey Wacnik 10/3 CAT
0Today I completed the Excel assignment, and I began work on the classroom mediation and Halloween tech facts!!
Megan, CAT/Library, 10/3
0In the library: a lot of color printing, posted information about public phone on the updates page, helped people search for and locate books, helped people scan documents, Ginny helped clarify some of the new copy procedures and some questions I had
CAT: Monday, forgot to post on blog: finished the first Excel quiz, watched the excel atomic learning videos, and started the Excel workbook project. Worked today from 1-3 at the library to cover a shift and staid through until 4 to go over some procedures and questions I had for Ginny.
Abby Lib 10-3
0Today I shelf read. I also spent time looking at specific class lib guides and seeing what sorts of information was available on them as well as the links and the relation that the links have to the class.
CAT 10/3
0- Clarified Moodle project –> added Michelle as student
- graded Moodle assignment & completed project
- Discussed Dreamweaver quiz
- Reviewed connecting to Thomas online
- Completed Dreamweaver project
Kay’s CAt 10/3/12
0During the first hour, I worked in the library. During the next hour, I watched more excel atomic learning videos and looked in google sites to figure out how google sites works.