Archive for October, 2012
Kay’s CAT 10/23/12
0I completed the library quiz and began the photoshop training.
Kate Stel 10/23 CAT
0OFFICIALLY DONE WITH DREAMWEAVER!! WOOO. and started watching atomic learning videos for excel. Starting with a few of the more basic videos since I’m not quite as experienced with the program. But I did get a 90% on my basics quiz! woo!
Cierra Lib 10-23-12
0Today I came in in dress clothes but walked in the rain so I showed up soaked. I changed into regular clothes and started my shift. I did every day tasks. The cash drawer count was the same as last night, but the denominations that make the count were different (2 fives and 3 ones, verses 1 five and 5 ones and quarter amounts) were what were different so the total seems like it should be different but it is not. I tried to help a student upload a video on Panopto but it didn’t work, we are not sure why. They tried even sharing it with their professor and it did not work. I sent him to JH 037 or the help desk to try and get help. I worked on the Newsletter articles the rest of the time.
Abby Lib 10-22
0Today, I looked up some of the information for the quiz but didn’t have time to take it. I also worked on my project with Lindsey. I did some general cleaning up also.
Cierra 10-22-12
0I realized I haven’t posted in a while. I did everyday tasks during both shifts today. Earlier I was working on Newsletter emails and now I am working on the Librarian Spotlight. Log in for a public person. Helped with the scanner. I am ending my shift working on the Meet the Staff section of the Newsletter.
Meen’s CAT shift- 10/22/12
0I’m sorry for not posting this blog right away. I worked with a student and had to run to class right after yesterday. I helped a student who came to get help with Moodle on the instructor’s side for the Council of Presidential Affairs I believe. And it all went well although I did asked Eric for some help for one of the questions that I wasn’t sure about.
Ryan CAT 10/22
0- Completed Photoshop Atomic Learning videos
- Looked up Technology Facts
Lindsey Wacnik 10/22 CAT
0Today I worked on the badges in Photoshop! Also I could not test the Adobe Connect site for Jeana because my password was not working.