Archive for November 16, 2012
Anum Ahmed – CAT – 11/16/2012
0Today I finished a portion of the libguide for the library I was working on. I was able to get the order of the boxes right. I got a little bored so I looked up tech facts for a while. Then I updated a few things on my linked in page.
Kate Stel 11/16 CAT
012 years
by Kathryn Stelmack
in Kate
First of all. Can you believe its already the 16th? Anyway, today I watched all the photoshop videos and started my poster….which is turning out to be way more involved than I originally planned….and therefore taking awhile. I also looked over scheduling things with finals and all that. yay!
Kay’s CAT 11/16/12
012 years
by kmcardle
in Uncategorized
Today I helped a student with word press, then did some illustrator tutorials and practice.