Archive for February 19, 2013
Amanda Library 2/19/2013
0Today I went over the things that I missed on quiz with Ginny.
I read the handouts next to the computer about general reminders and library information. I practiced scanning the references with Ginny.
I checked my emails from Erica.
I navigated around printsmart to make sure I knew how to do a color copy
Shannon S. @ CAT 2/19/13
0Today I went over the WordPress Script with Meg. Then I watch more of the Dreamweaver Tutorial videos. I am not done with them but took a break from them and started to work on what I could of the Project. I was able to figure out about half. I might be able to finish both the project and videos on my next shift
Amanda CAT 2/19/2013
0Today I found some items in my bufiles that I added to my blog.
I researched the company that I was working for’s Twitter accound and found the Tweets I posted, screen shoted them and posted them.
I edited my reflection and should be done with it soon.