
Anum Ahmed Hometown: Plainfield, Indiana Originally From: Boston, Massachusetts College: Butler University College of Business '15 Major: Accounting

Posts by aahmed1

Anum, CAT, 9/27


Today I helped someone with Dreamweaver for about 10 minutes, finished the Moodle assignment, and then worked on my linked in profile.

Anum Ahmed – Library – 9/21/2012


Today in the library I continued to work on the moodle instructor project.  Other than that I did not help anyone as Fridays are a very slow day.  I read through libguides for a little while as well.  And introduced myself to a tour!

Anum, CAT, 9/21/2012


Today I finished the Dreamweaver project and then the quiz and then did my LinkedIn site started the instructor Moodle training.

Anum – Library – 9/20


I helped quite a few people today in the library.  I read over the updates and looked for cool technology facts.

Anum, CAT, 9/20/2012


Today I helped a student with Dreamweaver for an hour and a half.  She did not need help on an assignment but needed help understanding concepts and making sure she was using the program efficiently and effectively.  I was left with about 10 minutes as I followed that with the reading of the new policy rules.  And finished the CAT shift with some Atomic learning on Dreamweaver.

Anum, CAT, 9/18/2012


Today I began working on the Dreamweaver project.  I am learning new things through Dreamweaver that I did not know before, even though I  had MS265 in the past.

I didn’t have to help anyone with any Dreamweaver websites though, because their projects were due yesterday!

Anum – CAT – 9/11/2012


Today I walked in and had someone waiting for help on Dreamweaver.  I spent the entire time working with the student and teaching her how to do her project.  I did not do the assignment for her, but showed her in a way that she would need to execute what I showed her again on her own time.

Anum, Library, 9/7/2012


I spent some time going through the information in the library libguide.  I also assisted a woman printing colored pages.

Anum CAT 9/7


Today I worked more with iPads.  I then just looked for interesting technology videos.  I am prepared for more tasks next week.

Anum Ahmed 9/6/2012


At the library today I spent some time looking through the updates and just helping patrons when needed.  Nothing out of the ordinary!

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