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Posts by blarson
Brittany Library 9/25/12
0Today I helped people with colored printing and other miscellaneous questions. A student came up asking how to use the copier to copy something double-sided. I was unsure how to do it so I asked an associate on staff to help me with the question and learned how to do it so I can better answer a question like that next time. I also started working on the October newsletter.
Brittany Library 9/24/12
0Today I had a lot of printing questions. There was an alumni who needed legal documents printed and didn’t know how to use the bypass tray on the printer. Another student needed help with colored printing. Another alumni came in to make a copy from the copy machine so I showed him how to do that. Someone from the general public also came to get help logging on to the computer.
Brittany CAT 9/14/12
0Today I completed the iMovie checklist. I also uploaded my iMovie to the blog. I e-mailed Erica my progress reports for Dreamweaver on AL. I started on the Dreamweaver project and met with Erica to discuss the Quick Guides project.
Brittany CAT 9/11/12
0Today I finished watching all the Dreamweaver videos in Atomic Learning.
Today I finished going through the questions on BUAnswers. I also did some lessons on LCEasy. I had questions about color printing and how to use the copy machine so I helped students with that. I also had a question on where to find certain books. One of the books the student had on the list we didn’t have but I went on and saw that libraries nearby had it so I told her she could request an interlibrary loan and showed her how to make a request for that.
Brittany Library 9/10/12
0Today I helped some people out with printing questions and I had someone ask where they could send a fax. I continued reading some questions/answers on BUanswers.
Brittany CAT 9/7/12
0Today I browsed the Info_Commons page in Moodle. I also finished the SMART board tutorials. I also created an iMovie today. I watched more videos on Atomic Learning about Dreamweaver and still need to finish it.
Brittany CAT 9/4/12
0Today I did some classroom mediation training. I wasn’t able to do the training for SMART boards since there were classes using the rooms that had SMART boards. I also made a Panopto tutorial for using the VHS/DVD player. I finished the Moodl eassignment and I also finished watching iMovie on Atomic Learning. I also started Dreamweaver on Atomic Learning as well.
Brittany Library 9/4/12
0Today I helped some people out with the scanner (printing, answering questions like if it’s free for students, etc.). I also went through the tutorials and library information on the homepage. I started going through some answers from BUAnswers as well. I also helped a student find books in the library from the library website as well.