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Posts by kmcardle

Kay’s CAT 9/26/12


Today I cleaned the iPad screens, showed Michelle my dreamweaver project and moodle instructor assignment, and I made a recording on Panopto. It is saved to the IC doc, but I was not able to change the name of it after it had recorded.

Kay’s CAT 9/24/12


Today I became familiar with hand-on training using classroom mediation. Since there was a meeting going on, I decided against recording on Panopto. The other tasks listed have been completed. The rest of my shift, I watched atomic learning videos and reviewed the training materials in the shared folder.

Kay’s CAT 9/21/12


Today I finished the Moodle instructor assignment. Then, I signed the new CAT terms and conditions. I reviewed how I did on the Dreamweaver quiz. My next task was learning the smart board and panopto, but because room 048 was full, I was only able to read through the instructions and manuals for the systems. I do have the iPad training complete already also.

Kay’s CAT 9/19/12


Today I took the Dreamweaver quiz and I got most of the way through the Moodle instructor assignment.

Kay’s CAT 9/17/12


Yesterday in CAT, I finished the Dreamweaver atomic videos and the Dreamweaver project. I also assisted a student with an Excel project.

Kay’s CAT 9/14/12


Today I watched the atomic learning videos for Dreamweaver. I also saved my iMovie bio in the Shared folder. I began the Dreamweaver project, but I could not get access to Davidson’s tutorial when I tried to get some assistance.

Kay’s CAT 9/12/12


In CAT I finished my iMovie bio video and began the atomic learning videos for Dreamweaver CS5.

Kay’s CAT 9/11/12


I submitted the moodle assignment that had been saved as a draft. I finished the moddle 2.0 instructor tutorial videos as well.

Kay’s CAT 9/10/12


Today I watched atomic learning moodle videos and looked at some iMovie videos.

Kay’s CAT 9/7/12


Today I watched more Moodle atomic learning videos.

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