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Posts by lwacnik
Lindsey Wacnik 9/21 Lib
0Today although there were many people here, no one came to me for assistance. It gave me a chance to look at some cool stuff on the Butler website!
Lindsey Wacnik 9/19 CAT
0Today I finished the Dreamweaver videos, and I am almost done with the assignment for Dreamweaver on Moodle.
Lindsey Wacnik 9/17/12 CAT
0Today I was finally able to finsih my iMovie and Panopto video!! I just need to export the iMovie, and it will all be complete.
Lindsey Wacnik 9/14 Library
0Today the library was relatively empty, but it gave me a chance to straighten up, and check out some of the library databases.
Lindsey Wacnik 9/13 Library
0Today I got to call IT! I learned that if the copier will not turn off when it is frozen, you simply unplug it! Aside from this excitement, I was able to assist some students during my shift.
Lindsey Wacnik CAT 9/12
0Today I watched a few more Dreamweaver videos, and created a new cover photo for the Information Commons Facebook page!
Lindsey Wacnik 9/10 CAT
0Today, I did not get a chance to finish/work on my iMovie because the Mac was unavailable. Instead I read through the Panapto scripts, and began watching the Dreamweaver CS5 Intro videos. Next shift I hope to work on my iMovie and complete my mock training session.
Lindsey Wacnik 9/7 Library
0Today was a little bit more eventful than normal! I was able to assist individuals with questions in the library as well as I got to transfer my first call!
Lindsey Wacnik 9/6 Library
0Today on my shift I familiarized myself with more options that the Butler sites have to offer such as some of the student blogs.