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Posts by mgbarry
Maddie Library 2/13/13
0Today I answered some questions, added a possible topic for the March newsletter to the Google Doc, and read more associate profiles on the blog.
Maddie CAT 2/12/13
0Today Meg showed me how to grade a quiz on Moodle, I completed my IC Reflection and the Excel Basics quiz, and started the Excel workbook.
Maddie Library 2/11
0Katie reviewed my library quiz with me, I helped a student scan to her email, and answered questions.
Maddie Library 2/10/13
0I answered a few questions, reshelved some books, and put staples in the black and red stapler by the printer. I also had to go get the cash drawer.
Maddie Library 2/6/13
0I answered questions and looked at the associates’ profiles on the blog. I also added a link to interesting tech facts to the moodle discussion board yesterday that I forgot to mention. If you need something to do, read them, they’re pretty cool!
Maddie CAT 2/5/13
0Today I sat in on a Moodle Training given by Matt. I learned a lot about Moodle, especially from the standpoint of an administrator. Next I completed the Moodle instructor training by setting up my own “class” page on Moodle, posting forum, announcements, links, documents, and creating a quiz. I emailed Meg to check it out. This will complete my Moodle training and I hope to move on to Excel next time.
Maddie Library 2/4/13
0There were a lot of questions from students tonight. I answered most of them, and helped a student find books for her research paper on civil rights. In two instances, I found that while the catalog said the book was available, it was not present on the shelf where it should be. I referred them to the circulation desk after I couldn’t find the book in the reference section or upstairs. Strange. I also reshelved the books on the reshelving cart.
Maddie Library 1/30/13
0Tonight I completed the Moodle quiz and the Library Quiz and answered a few questions.
Maddie CAT 1/29/13
0Today I finished my iMovie! I added the video and voiceover and did some final editing and exported it to BU files. I then completed my iMovie skills checklist, demonstrated iMovie with the iMovie Script, and mock presented the Digital Storytelling power point. I also went with Meg to deliver a SD card to someone who needed it in Robertson Hall. I will complete the moodle quiz on iMovie next, and then move on.