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Posts by Megan

Megan, Library, 1/28


Tidied the InfoCommons area, re-shelved reference books, checked printers, looked over BUAnswers

Megan, CAT, 1/24/13


Finished Photoshop tutorials, Finished Photoshop quiz, and started Photoshop project.

Megan, CAT, 1/23/13


Watched Photoshop tutorials and worked on Aurasma Quickguide

Megan, CAT, 1/17/13


Completed the Audacity Project! and almost completed a Resume!

Megan, CAT, 11/8/12


Came up with more tweets/posts for Meg!

Megan, CAT, 10/31/2012


Gathered a lot of information about Aurasma and how to use it. Watched many videos and came up with ideas of how Information commons and Butler Students could use the app. Will start quickguides next time

Megan, CAT, 10/18/12


Watched wordpress videos and worked on my portfolio

Megan, CAT, 10/17/2012


Completed the midsemester library quiz and startmed making a wix

Megan, CAT, 10/8/12


Completed the excel training workbook and submitted it on moodle. Finished with the excel project completely.

Megan, CAT/Library, 10/3


In the library: a lot of color printing, posted information about public phone on the updates page, helped people search for and locate books, helped people scan documents, Ginny helped clarify some of the new copy procedures and some questions I had

CAT: Monday, forgot to post on blog: finished the first Excel quiz, watched the excel atomic learning videos, and started the Excel workbook project. Worked today from 1-3 at the library to cover a shift and staid through until 4 to go over some procedures and questions I had for Ginny.

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