Megan Kirkbride
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Posts by Megan Kirkbride
Megan 2/15 CAT
0Today I finished watching all the Dreamweaver videos and continued practicing with my website. I started the Dreamweaver quiz on Moodle, but didn’t finish because there are a few things I am unclear about. I think I have a decent understanding of the root directory and publishing websites to the internet, but I’d like to make sure I know exactly what I’m doing before I complete the quiz. I’m thinking I can go over this information and review my website with Amy on Monday. In addition to Dreamweaver, I did a little bit of technology research and made a post to the technology facts forum on Moodle. I also checked and updated my LinkedIn, and finished up by adding to my IC reflection.
Megan 2/13 Library
0Today in the library I re-shelved a few of the reference books and checked a shelf to make sure they were in order. I supplied staples for the stapler and helped someone with their color printing. During my down time I reviewed the LibGuide and other procedures, and went through BUAnswers to make sure I knew the answers to the most popular questions.
Megan 2/13 CAT
0Today I spent a couple hours working on my IC reflection. I wanted to get started so that I would have a foundation to build off of and could easily add other experiences as I think of them over the next week. Then I kept watching Atomic Learning videos on Dreamweaver and practiced with my website.
Megan 2/11 CAT
0Today I kept working with Dreamweaver. I watched more videos and kept updating my website! I also played around with LinkedIn a bit and kept updating my page.
Megan 2/8 CAT
0Today I worked mainly on Dreamweaver. I took more of a hands-on approach and started creating my website while I watched the videos. I messed up several times, but this allowed me to get real experience with using Dreamweaver and discovering for myself how things work. I finally got a site started to my liking that I will continue to work on next week.
Megan 2/6 Library
0Today in the library I went over the library quiz with Ginny and went over reshelving the reference books and making sure they are all in order. I helped a student with color printing and making a copy!
Megan 2/6 CAT
0Today I focused on starting the ongoing professional development project. I read the documents available on Moodle and started diving in to my own LinkedIn account. I had no previous experience with LinkedIn, so I took my time setting up my profile and finding my way around. I also watched a few of the TED talks linked on Moodle. I have seen some talks before in school, and am always very interested to hear what the speakers have to say, especially when the talks are technology related.
Megan CAT 2/4
0Today I went over the iMovie powerpoint and script with Amy! After that I had some questions about saving projects in students’ own BUfiles, and Amy went over that with me and showed me the YouTube videos done by Information Commons. I watched most of the other videos, just to get a feel for what was available on our YouTube channel (I didn’t even know we had one!). Then I continued watching Atomic Learning videos on Dreamweaver.
Megan CAT 2/1
0Today I approved my business card and picked up my name-tag! I finished my last question on the library quiz and re-reviewed the power-point and script for iMovie. I’m planning on going through those with Amy on Monday since that is our only shared shift. I completed the iMovie quiz and once I go through the script with Amy I will be finished with iMovie training! I also finished going through the basics of WordPress and took the quiz. After that I started watching some atomic learning videos on Dreamweaver to familiarize myself with how to use that application.
Megan Library 1/30
0Today I worked in the library for an hour. I started working on the library quiz and have one more question to finish next week. I helped an alumni log on to a computer. That’s about it!