Megan Kirkbride
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Posts by Megan Kirkbride
Megan 1/28 CAT
0Today I continued working on my WordPress training. I finished watching all the training videos and continued practicing with all the different options in WordPress. I started working on the quiz, and still have a few questions to finish up before I’m done with WordPress.
Megan 1/25 CAT
0Today I watched the Excel training videos on Atomic Learning. Then I worked on and completed my spreadsheet. I uploaded my spreadsheet to Moodle, there was one error I had on the frequency page but Marcus said that he thought there was an issue with the spreadsheet file, so I ignored it and kept working. I also read the file about helping MS 100/265 students. Then, I created my own WordPress website, and started watching videos to familiarize myself with the process.
Megan Library 1/23
0Today was my second shift in the library! I got more in detail instructions about the duties of the desk from Ginny. I completed the LC Easy program and learned about reshelving books in the reference area. I also got my first phone call, and recorded it in LibStats.
Megan CAT 1/23/13
0Today I worked on finishing my Moodle quiz, and then switched over to the instructor side of things. I went through the instructor checklist, and believe everything is completed. I also put a copy of my iMovie video in the Shared folder, which I now have access to! 🙂 \\bufiles\group\IT\InstructionalTechnology\Student Workers\Student Folders\_Shared\Video Files\iMovie Bios . My movie file should be in there with my name as the title, but let me know if there are any issues with finding the video. Near the end of my shift in CAT, I started reading up on the Excel training. I completed the basics quiz and am ready to start watching the training videos on Friday!
Megan CAT 1/18/13
1Today, I worked for three hours in CAT. I worked on my iMovie project in JH048 and completed it after a couple hours. I started working on the iMovie checklist, but I wan’t completely sure about that process and what should be included. Then, I started working on Moodle training. I completed the fake assignment and uploaded a video. I did not finish the quiz yet, but I started working my way around Moodle to figure it out.
Megan CAT/Library 1/16
0Today I got started on my iMovie project and went through the power point and directions. I still don’t have access to the folders on my account so Erica had to send me the files. I also looked up some technology facts. I also worked in the library for my first time. Tim showed me around the desk and explained some things. I also read about some of the basic processes on LibGuides.
Megan CAT 1/14
0Today I leaned about some of the basic processes I will be doing while working. I took a tour of the Center for Academic Technology and read the Information Commons Handbook. I completed my bio page and learned about some of the upcoming projects I will be working on.