Shannon S. @CAT&Lib 2/7/13
1At the beginning of my shift I made a delivery to Tim in the Library of a camcorder, 2 flash drives and a stand. Then I worked on WordPress for the rest of the time. I finished the videos. I also went through the Skills checklist and there were a few that I need some help on but for the most part that is done. I also went though the WordPress Script, so maybe on my next shift I could go through it with an associate. On my shift at the library I worked on my library quiz. My plan was to finish it during the shift but i didn’t so i probably will finish it over the weekend.
Shannon H.-2/6-CAT
0Today I watched some Photoshop videos before a faculty member came. I helped her import her photos and videos from an iPad onto the Mac in iPhotos, and then uploaded them into her dropbox. This took awhile because not all of the videos would upload right away, and had to be uploaded individually. I reset the iPad (it’s probably still in the reset process) and Chasadee has the number of the iPad because she said the paperwork is a mess and we couldn’t find the form immediately.
Gaby 2/5 CAT
0Besides a few computer issues during my shift, I spent my time continuing WordPress training. I added more posts to my blog along with another page. And after an embarrassing amount of tries, I finally got a Youtube video embedded.
Shannon S. @CAT 2/5/13
0Today I finished my Excel training and uploaded my formula spreadsheet onto Moodle. Then I started to watch the videos for WordPress and looked thought the checklist.
Shannon H.-2/4-CAT
0Today I emailed Meg to finish my Moodle training. I started working on the Excel Training practice workbook, and I am almost done with the Photoshop training videos. Next shift I plan on finishing the Excel workbook, and do the iMovie and Library quiz.
Shannon S. @CAT 1/31/13
0Today I finished my Moodle training. I finish making my mock course and made it visible. Then I started to work on my Excel training. I took the quiz and finished watching all the videos. I didn’t finish the Excel practice in me shift at CAT. On my library shift I did not want to log on then into my account to work on Excel to work on my next shift. I started the Library Quiz and look at the others portfolio and started the design for my own.