Shannon H.-1/23-CAT
0Today I submitted my iMovie with some difficulty. I then did my Moodle assignments, and began my Excel assignments. Have a nice day!
Gaby 1/22 CAT
1Today, I spent a lot of time completing my Moodle training. I feel a lot more comfortable using it now. When I finished that, I finished watching all of the Excel Atomic Learning videos. And I’m currently working on the Excel Training worksheets.
Shannon @ CAT 1/22/13
1Today i worked on Moodle tasks for the first hour. I finished the Set up iPad video, submitting an assignment, uploading a video, and i took the quiz. The quiz was not graded the last time i looked. For the second half I worked on my iMovie Bio and it is going well. I should have it finished by next week.
Gaby 1/18 CAT
0I spent a little bit of time getting more acquainted with Moodle and started the Moodle training. Then I looked at a few Excel Atomic Learning videos.
Shannon S. @CAT 1/17/13
0Today I worked on a side project with the Ipads, getting them ready to be taken out. I also worked on the iMovie skills Checklist. Im almost done, then I will work on my iMovie Bio.
Gaby 1/15 CAT
0Today was my first day in the Center for Academic Technology. I got a tour from Meg of the office and the tasks I would be doing. Afterwards, there was the in-service meeting. ThenĀ I made my bio for the bulletin board (I still have to print it) and then started Excel training.