Lindsey Wacnik 10/15 CAT
0Today I worked with Abby on the Moodle collaborative work project, and found my Halloween Tech facts!
Megan, CAT, 10/8/12
0Completed the excel training workbook and submitted it on moodle. Finished with the excel project completely.
Lindsey Wacnik 10/3 CAT
0Today I completed the Excel assignment, and I began work on the classroom mediation and Halloween tech facts!!
Megan, CAT/Library, 10/3
0In the library: a lot of color printing, posted information about public phone on the updates page, helped people search for and locate books, helped people scan documents, Ginny helped clarify some of the new copy procedures and some questions I had
CAT: Monday, forgot to post on blog: finished the first Excel quiz, watched the excel atomic learning videos, and started the Excel workbook project. Worked today from 1-3 at the library to cover a shift and staid through until 4 to go over some procedures and questions I had for Ginny.
Lindsey Wacnik 10/1 CAT
0Today I looked up some tech facts, took the Excel quiz, watched the Excel Atomic Learning videos, and began working on the excel assignmnet!
Megan CAT 9/27/2012
0Watched the Davidson Panopto video of Dreamweaver, Learned how to publish Dreamweaver to the Thomas files, did the refresher of the ipad training, and Amy showed me how to set up Panopto and Smart board in JH 048 (Should be completely done with the Dreamweaver stuff then. I can show you certain skills if you want me to and then I’m ready for my badge!)
Megan CAT 9/30/12
0Completed Dreamweaver project (still need to go over publishing by using Thomas files) and completed the Dreamweaver quiz. Started the iPad training
Lindsey Wacnik 9/25 CAT
0I completed the Moodle Instructor assignment, and I tried to take the Dreamweaver quiz but I am was not able to access it.
Megan CAT 9/24/12
0Watched the remainder of the Dreamweaver atomic learning videos. Nearly finished with project. Helped a professor with Blackboard questions