Lindsey Wacnik 10/22 CAT
0Today I worked on the badges in Photoshop! Also I could not test the Adobe Connect site for Jeana because my password was not working.
Lindsey Wacnik Lib 10/22
0Today I continued checking the links and files for the LibGuides under Teresa Williams.
Lindsey Wacnik 10/17 CAT
0Today I finished going over the WordPress skill sheet, the Class Room Mediation, and I began working on the Photoshop badges.
Lindsey Wacnik 10/16 CAT
1I watched all the WordPress videos, looked through the script, and began implementing the skills from the checklist on my new WordPress blog/site.
Lindsey Wacnik 10/15 CAT
0Today I worked with Abby on the Moodle collaborative work project, and found my Halloween Tech facts!
Lindsey Wacnik 10/15 Lib
0Today I did some straightening up, reshelved some books,and began working on my November Newsletter articles. I also assisted an individual on the copier, and provided our operating hours in CAT over the phone.
Lindsey Wacnik 10/3 CAT
0Today I completed the Excel assignment, and I began work on the classroom mediation and Halloween tech facts!!
Lindsey Wacnik 10/1 CAT
0Today I looked up some tech facts, took the Excel quiz, watched the Excel Atomic Learning videos, and began working on the excel assignmnet!