Lindsey Wacnik 8/27 CAT
1After today I am only a few video clips away from watching all of the Instructor Moodle 2.0 videos.
Lindsey Wacnik 8/27 Library
0Being that the desk was not very busy this morning, I was able to better familiarize myself with the various features available on the library website.
Lindsey Wacnik 8/24 Library
0There was not much activity this morning, but it allowed me to finish my LC Easy training!
Lindsey Wacnik 8/23 Library
0Today was my first shift in the library, and Ginny showed me how to perform the various tasks that are expected at each shift. We even got to help a few people!
Lindsey Wacnik 8/22/12 CAT
0Today was my first shit in CAT, being that I had a longer shift I was able to accomplish all of the tasks that I have been assigned thus far. In addition, I was able to begin viewing some of the Moodle 2.0 instructor videos.
Lindsey’s Reflection
0Delivering Knock Your Socks off Service, is quite the name for a book that briefly touches on many different customer service scenarios, tactics, and outcomes. Before beginning the book, I was skeptical after working with thousands of customers, over the course of my five years at Deep River Waterpark. I did not believe this book would have much to offer me. After the initial chapters, I did begin to gain knowledge of how to better handle situations. One of the sections that I found most interesting discussed dealing with customers of different generations. Although there may be less of a variety working in Information Commons, I found this section applicable to my summer job, and can see the benefits of it for future job scenarios. It is easy to get caught up in a customer service situation, and to approach the customer as you would want to be approached. Prior to reading this book, I did not give much thought about how the customer would feel or how they would prefer being addressed.
Although when reading, the outcome or approach may seem obvious, it is sometimes harder to come up with resolutions on the spot. After reading this book, I tried to put into effect the tips suggested on customers at my work this summer. I always knew that I should listen carefully, empathize, and so on, but I did not realize how little I often show customers this. This made me more aware, and I began to make an effort to make it clear that I understood and was sorry for whatever inconvenience was experienced. This proved effective; once I became more self-aware, I was better able to serve the customer and their needs. Although the book did readdress many tactics I was already aware of, it was beneficial to become reacquainted with them. I began to not only analyze my response to customers, but also to watch more closely to see how the customer responded to me. This book has made me more aware of what a customer wants from me, and will assist me in providing better and more effective service to customers.