
Library and CAT


I did the excel quiz, worked an hour in the library, and worked on atomic learning and my

linkedin profile.

Library and CAT


I worked an uneventful shift in the library and worked a little on my bio video and completed

the excel quiz.

Abby 9-28 CAT


Today I played with how to upload my site to the server but as of now it does not work. I email Erica my atomic learning progress on Dreamweaver. I worked on filling in my Dreamweaver Skills Checklist

Kay’s CAT 9/28/12


Today IĀ graded the moodle quiz, updated my LinkedIn profile, and began the Word Press training.

Shelby, CAT, 9/28


Today I helped someone with sd card transfer, and worked on the panopto video

katie cat 9/27


I finished up iPad training. I am working on my iMoive bio.

Lib Shift 9/26


I just had to answer a couple office supply and printing questions today.

Shelby, CAT, 9/26


Today Meg and I converted the panopto video files to a format iMovie would accept.

Kay’s CAT 9/26/12


Today I cleaned the iPad screens, showed Michelle my dreamweaver project and moodle instructor assignment, and I made a recording on Panopto. It is saved to the IC doc, but I was not able to change the name of it after it had recorded.

Great Job!


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