Kay’s CAT 9/14/12
0Today I watched the atomic learning videos for Dreamweaver. I also saved my iMovie bio in the Shared folder. I began the Dreamweaver project, but I could not get access to Davidson’s tutorial when I tried to get some assistance.
Shelby, CAT, 9/13
0Today I watched some dreamweaver training videos and worked on the panopto project.
Shelby, LIB, 9/13
0Today I explored some of the databases on our library site.
Shelby, CAT, 9/12
0Today I watched some of the dreamweaver training videos. Jeana and I are meeting tomorrow to talk about the panopto promo video.
CAT 9/12
0- Met w/ Michelle about Atomic Learning
- Began Dreamweaver training
- Completed Dreamweaver CS5 tutorials from A-1 to F-7
- Play tested w/ CSS HTML formatting
Kay’s CAT 9/12/12
0In CAT I finished my iMovie bio video and began the atomic learning videos for Dreamweaver CS5.
Kay’s CAT 9/11/12
0I submitted the moodle assignment that had been saved as a draft. I finished the moddle 2.0 instructor tutorial videos as well.
Brittany CAT 9/11/12
0Today I finished watching all the Dreamweaver videos in Atomic Learning.
CAT 9.11 Katie
0Today I finished the training listed in my blog. I also looked over some of the social media stuff Meg showed me yesterday.
Meen’s CAT shift – 9/11/12
0Today I resubmitted the moodle assignment file and started AL Dreamweaver CS5 traininng.