Abby CAT 11-2
0Today I worked on Camtasia Quickguides. I have already emailed Jeanna my feedback
Kay’s CAT 11/2/12
0I viewed Erica’s edits on the other two quick guides. I completed another quick guide and emailed it to Erica. I submitted an audacity assignment. I completed the Audacity quiz.
Anum – CAT 11 – 1
0Today I finished the wordpress. I continued to work a little on my linked in profile.
I then watched the photoshop videos and then began my own project.
Kate Stel 10/31 CAT
0Today I worked on my blog a little bit more and began filling out the checklist! For one of my posts I researched pictures of what hurricane Sandy did to my town, its all under water!
Kay’s CAT 10/31/12
0After the first hour in the library, I did Audacity training and began editing a soundtrack.
Shelby, 10/30, CAT
0Today I finished up the panopto video hopefully jeana will be able to look at it tomorrow.
Brittany CAT 10/30/12
0Today I worked on the Google QGs. I also reset an iPad. I watched some videos on photoshop.
Kay’s CAT 10/30
0I have been trying to do this access project, and I completed it in class in MS 265, but I am getting confused. I would appreciate a bit more instruction concerning the connection between queries and tables and forms. I knnow how to create each, but I forget how to customize them. I started reading the QG’s for Audacity, but the computer would not let me download it, so I would appreciate some help with that if possible.