Song challenge

Trying to set a Biblical text to music is more of a challenge than I expected. When we were working on this is class on 09/09, I thought the task was not going to be as difficult as it was. However, I kept getting stuck. I did not want to choose a tune like the ABC’s or Happy Birthday because those are too easy and commonly used. I wanted to pick a song I actually liked and could remember the tune of as well. Once I had a song it was even harder to create “lyrics.” The verses clearly did not fit perfectly with a song, and they did not follow a rhythm. It was a challenge to try and match something together. I also have no musical background or much familiarity with the Bible and certain verses, so trying to create a song while also using Biblical text was something very far outside of my comfort zone. This task is definitely not something I expected to have to do and I don’t think song writing or music producing is going to be a skill I claim to have.

1 comment

  1. Don’t give up! It is indeed difficult, and like most things practice makes it easier, but the truth is that combining words and music in a way that you are truly satisfied with is never “easy” even if one does it regularly. But you can get good (or at least better) at it nonetheless!

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