Genesis & the Creation

Chapter six in the textbook discusses Genesis and the content of the Creation in the Bible. The textbook states how it can be origination of creativity and helpfulness when creating music. After researching a little bit, I found the verses in Genesis are in many songs. Genesis is extremely important to the entire creation of… Continue reading Genesis & the Creation

Bible Speaking About Music

When beginning my song for the final project this week, I ran into a website called, “What Does the Bible Say About Music?” It lists over one hundred verses that speak about music. I found this to be quite interesting. Did the disciples expect God’s people to rejoice in him by singing? While this is… Continue reading Bible Speaking About Music

Meter + Melody = Music

In class today, we learned about songs with the common meter and long meter. We also did a class “sing-along” for a few Bible verses that worked with some songs. For example, Psalm 23 fit to Amazing Grace. Yankee Doodle and Jack & Diane by John Mellencamp matched up to Bible verses, as well. Paraphrasing… Continue reading Meter + Melody = Music

Melody = Memorization

When reading the Bible, listening to a message, or participating in the responsive reading at my church, I never truly remember the words. I definitely cannot hear something once and repeat the exact words right back to you; however, I can hear a song and most likely regurgitate the chorus after the song is completed.… Continue reading Melody = Memorization

History of the Bible

I never realized until today how many times the Bible has been translated. I have always trusted the text in the Bible as the word of God, but today made me wonder if some of his words have been interpreted incorrectly. From Hebrew in stone to finding the consonants and then adding the vowels, time… Continue reading History of the Bible