
The story of the binding of Isaac is a more sentimental story that is told in the Bible. What I learned from our textbook is that it isn’t as often people explore distressing and troubling times in the Bible through music, with the story of Isaac being one of the few. The interesting part of… Continue reading Untitled

Genealogy & Rutter

Last Thursday, 10/28, in class we discussed the concept of including genealogy into music. The example of Abhram’s family lineage brought into music was a very interesting and attention capturing way of learning about specific genealogies. I wanted to recognize in this blog post how such an uninteresting topic can be completely transformed by music. … Continue reading Genealogy & Rutter

Schoenberg’s Twelve Tones

The idea of music being restricted initially came as a surprise to me. Granted, I don’t have the experience of creating music, however, I always thought music had always been free to the producer. The idea of Schoenberg discovering freedom when it comes to music must have been exhilarating and promising to what the future… Continue reading Schoenberg’s Twelve Tones

Additional Children’s Song & Biblical References

Today’s class was designated to share our discoveries on children’s songs and their specific connection to the Bible. While coming up with the song I decided to share with the class, I had another song I considered sharing but decided against it. The song “Jesus Loves Me” is arguably a song nearly every child raised… Continue reading Additional Children’s Song & Biblical References

Musical impact on commercials

Earlier in the week, on 10/5, we discussed in-class certain commercials that resonated with us. My initial answer to this question was the Extra gum commercial. If you can’t think of what commercial I mean, the commercial captures the love story between a young couple and how their relationship was planted and thus grew through… Continue reading Musical impact on commercials

Lyrics or Dissonance?

I will be the first to admit that music is one of the first things I turn to when I feel a little emotional. Like many people I know, I have a playlist designated to music that helps prolong any specific emotion, specifically to mention perhaps a more saddened emotion. This might not be the… Continue reading Lyrics or Dissonance?


Being able to portray a significant Biblical moment through film production, such as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, must be carefully executed. One thing about film is that it offers more possibility for a greater level of diversity of audience members. What I mean by that is, people who may not be actively engaged in… Continue reading Untitled

Behind the Crucifixion

Jesus’ crucifixion to me, is the most important event that was told in the Bible. In class two students mentioned that His crucifixion means sacrifice and salvation to them, and I fully agree. The idea that after Jesus was crucified on the cross, every child of God’s sins will be forgiven and will be given… Continue reading Behind the Crucifixion