
The Diabetes and Endocrinology Ambulatory Care Clinic at Franciscan Health will embody the values and goals of leadership, creativity, improving patient health, and being advocates upheld by Franciscan Health and its network. The clinic will focus first and foremost on the patients and helping them to not only understand their disease state but excel at living with it. A majority of the time diabetes care lies on the patients themselves to monitor their disease, treat their disease with appropriate medication, and take care of themselves. Our ambulatory care pharmacists at the clinic will give these patient the knowledge and tools to be able to do this, as well as encourage and support each and every patient on their journey with Type II Diabetes.

Through various marketing techniques, patients, healthcare professionals, and Franciscan administrative authorities will gain knowledge of the clinic and its goals. Monitoring the clinics progress will also be an important step in helping it succeed. This progress, that will be closely followed, will hopefully show that an ambulatory care clinic is needed and an essential part of a patient’s care. Pharmacists will present this progress to the hospital and pharmacy administration in hopes of expanding the ambulatory care clinic at the Diabetes and Endocrinology Center.

The Franciscan Health hospital will also be in the forefront of the plan, making sure to always represent the organization in a respectful and meaningful manner. The clinic hopes to benefit Franciscan Health by helping improve patient outcomes, decreasing hospital re-admissions, and bringing monetary benefit to the organization. This will be done through fee for service billing and all-encompassing patient care that focuses on the patient and their diabetes education.

Overall the clinic hopes to be successful in expanding patient care and creating open communication for the patient and the pharmacist to discuss aspects of their diabetes care. The clinic hopes to eventually establish a collaborative practice agreement to widen the scope of practice for the ambulatory care pharmacist and serve more patient with additional ambulatory care pharmacists


    • Patients – better control of disease state, relationships
    • Pharmacists – practicing at their full potential
    • Directors – utilizing staff efficiently while improving patient outcomes
    • Physicians – decreased workload
    • Insurance – better patient outcomes decreases costs