Science Fiction

H.G. Wells /Portrait
by Bain News Service, used under



In Alison Lewis’s autobiography, H.G.: Wells Another Kind of Life.  Known for many famous works including The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, The World of Wars, and interesting enough all of the these books were made into movies.  Wells was known for having multiple wives and mistresses, who made him even more of an interesting man because of his personal life outside of his stories. Some of his mistresses, including Amber Reeves, have written about him and his crazy personal life.  Even with this mischievous behavior in mind, he still had a very strong influence on politics as well as a heavy influence in British literature in the 19th century.

Religious Changes

H.G. Wells had a very interesting take on religion and what the church did for mankind. Even though Wells was brought up to be a mixture of Catholic and Protestant, he found the church to have a negative impact for the future of mankind, but yet in some of his written pieces he states how he wants to thank God, which is unusual for him especially declaring himself a non religious man. Most famously, in the War of the Worlds, he uses the most biblical languages and actually uses comparisons from the Bible in dialogue between the narrator and main protagonist. This shows that Wells did in fact like to mixture religion with some of his written pieces.


H.G. Wells pieces of literature

  • The Time Machine 
  • The Invisible Man 
  • The War of the Worlds 
  • 3953122665_3306f4bb58_o
    The invisible man/Book Cover
    by ROBERT HUFFSTUTTER, used under

    The First Men in the Moon




Lewis, Alison M. “Sherborne, Michael. H.G. Wells: Another Kind of Life.” Library Journal 1 Sept. 2011: 110. Biography in Context. Web. 8 Apr. 2014.

Witnessing the End of the World: H.G. Wells’ Educational ApocalypsesLiterature and Theology (2012) 26 (4): 459-473 doi:10.1093/litthe/frs052