
Revolution in literature follows these general guiding principles:

  • It displays the hopelessness of the author and/or the masses, and communicates these frustrations on a large scale.
  • The literature presents a new power structure, and/or advocates for changing the current power balances.
  • It opens up and/or presents a discourse that seeks to understand and examine the ethical implications.
  • It offers change that is truly revolutionary, not a product of evolution.
  • The literature fosters the progression of growth in its particular cause. The ideas do not simply exist, they continue to spark further change.

timeline copy

This website was created by:

Ben Sieck, Romanticism

Daniel Karr, Victorian

Nicole Mogged, Victorian

Audra Hecker, Transcendental

Lauren Hunsinger, Naturalism

Header Image:
Antique Books
by Juan Antonio Flores Segal, used under

Rahn, Josh. (2011). Literary Periods. The Literature Network. n.pag. Retrieved April 2, 2014.