HR Update—Manager Training
During the planning phase of Management Training at Butler University, HR will be collecting information from various sources to build the training program. Non-supervisory staff may use the suggestion form on the Staff Assembly website from January 21–February 4 to submit topics and/or objectives they believe would be valuable to a Management Training program. These suggestions will be considered as HR prepares the foundational principles for the training program. Note: Only suggestions related to the Management Training program will be sent to HR.
Tech Tip
Pocket is an app that helps you save items online (videos, images, articles) that you want to check out later. It’s free and available for Android and iOS, and it has awesome syncing abilities. Let Pocket replace your current method of bookmarking and taking screenshots! Get more info.
Open Forums for Brand Guidelines, Website
There will be open forums regarding new brand guidelines and website happening soon. Dates and times will be announced in Connection.
Financial Wellness
It’s a new year, and with the new year comes the opportunity to do new and exciting things. This year, make financial wellness your goal. It’s easy to lose your path without goals, that’s where can help. Take a few minutes today to set financial goals in the ‘Your Financial Goals’ section on Setting 30-day goals and 90-day goals will help you make the most of your financial life without getting frustrated. These resources are brought to you by Pete the Planner and Healthy Horizons.