If you were unable to attend our Staff Assembly General Meeting on February 23, 2022, you can find the recording at the link below. https://butler.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=b3ab78a0-21f3-42f0-b22e-ae4a00f0dc58
Author: tvawter
SAVE THE DATE! Staff Assembly General Meeting February 23, 2022 Robertson Hall, Ford Salon 10-11 AM Meeting Zoom link: https://butleru.zoom.us/j/96431123362 ANNOUNCEMENTS Scott Peden, Staff Assembly Chair Executive Director, Student Well-being, Recreation MICROSOFT TEAMS DISCUSSION Joe Ader, Senior Director/Assistant CIO Julie…
SAVE THE DATE! Staff Assembly General Meeting February 23, 2022 Robertson Hall, Ford Salon 10-11 AM Meeting Zoom link: https://butleru.zoom.us/j/96431123362 ANNOUNCEMENTS Scott Peden, Staff Assembly Chair Executive Director, Student Well-being, Recreation MICROSOFT TEAMS DISCUSSION Joe Ader, Senior Director/Assistant CIO Julie…
For your convenience, if you were unable to attend yesterday’s Staff Assembly General Meeting we have a link to the meeting below. Here is the link: https://butler.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=04653055-ecd3-4790-b014-ae230150ca25
SAVE THE DATE! Staff Assembly General Meeting January 19, 2022 Johnson Board Room (Zoom option below) 2-3 PM NEW HR TEAM INTRODUCTIONS Please submit any questions you have for HR by noon, Thursday, January 13th to the link below. https://butler.formstack.com/forms/staff_assembly_suggestions…