The new furniture has arrived for the Collaborative Learning Space. We would like to thank SGA for helping to make this possible. The furniture was selected with students in mind. It is very easy to move. The partitions help to make the large space more comfortable for study. We were excited to see students using the redecorated space almost immediately.

Lewis Miller is retiring after 18 years as Butler’s Dean of Libraries. On April 25th, the Library held a reception in his honor. There was a video presentation highlighting Lewis’s life and accomplishments at Butler. Also several speakers honored Lewis. The speakers included Butler President Jim Danko; Kate Morris, Interim Provost; Sally Neal, Associate Dean for Public Services; Sheri Stormes, Music Librarian; and David Lewis from IUPUI. The presentation ended with a musical tribute. Librarian/Composer Scott Pfitzinger composed an original song “Sailing Away” which was performed by Chica Fluta Ensemble. The title was in honor of Lewis’s love of sailing. The sailboat theme was carried out as some sailboats made their way into the library fountain. The library also presented Lewis with a gift of a sailboat sculpture made from Lewis’s business cards.