Posts tagged: General Announcements

Printer Update #2

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By , November 6, 2007 5:30 pm

There is now a NEW printer in Reference. It’s a large industrial model that sits on the floor like the one in the Science Library. It holds 4,000 sheets at one time and the toner lasts about twice as long. It’s quieter than the other ones and faster (about 55 pages per minute one side), duplexes just fine and DOESN’T JAM! (At least, that’s the word on the street. I’ve already seen it printing a ton and no problems.)

Our smaller printers are made for office use, not the heavy use they receive here from all the students, so the industrial printer is a better solution all around.

They’re still testing the drivers to make sure we’ve got the best service possible, so for now the office computers and student laptops will print to the same smaller one as they’ve been doing for a few days now. All the lab computers, though, are going to the big new one. So far, all seems good.

New LibGuide for Library Staff

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By , November 5, 2007 9:13 am

There is a
new LibGuide in our system that is called Librarian Resources.

I’ve taken
the “Librarian Links” from our website and added pages with links to online
journals, blogs, RSS feeds, and other professional development tools that all library staff may find useful. You can
find this on the main LibGuides page:

or else use
the direct link:

Recycling of Cardboard in Library

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By , September 11, 2007 11:00 am


Cardboard boxes are now being
regularly picked-up for recycling.  If you want a box recycled, write
“recycling” on the box and place it near your trash receptacles.  To ensure that boxes that you want do not get picked accidently for recycling or disposal, write “save” on them.  – Heather & Sally

Spring 2007 Reference Desk Schedule

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By , January 18, 2007 11:16 am
  Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
10-11 am Teresa Sally Dan Scott Janice X X
11-noon Teresa Sally Dan Scott Janice X X
12-1 pm Teresa Emily Scott Brad Scott X X
1-2 pm Sheri Emily Scott Brad Scott X X
2-3 pm Sheri Emily Scott Renee Teresa X X
3-4 pm Renee Emily Teresa Renee Renee X X
4-5 pm Renee Emily Teresa Renee Renee X X
5-10 pm Scott Renee Emily Teresa X X Lucy

Scanner in Reference

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By , September 19, 2006 8:35 am

The Reference Department now has a public scanner available. It’s connected to the same computer that runs CHOICES III (and is also wheelchair accessible).

The scanner is very easy to use. Just put your document on the glass (in the top right corner like the pictures show), and hit the button in the front of the scanner that shows a picture of the flatbed scanner. When it’s done, it opens the program for you to save the document wherever you like. And that’s it! Of course, there are advanced features, but for a basic scan of a document, that’s all there is.

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