It’s a Vital Part of a Healthy Financial Life

Green Candy

A financial goal starts with a time frame. Already sound too complicated? No worries, there are only two options, 30 days or 90 days. Anything longer and you risk losing motivation, or more likely, simply forgetting what goal you set.Once you’ve determined your time frame, it’s on to the goal itself. This part can get a little complicated. It’s easy to say, “I want to save for a down payment”, it’s much more difficult to determine you will save exactly $1,000 toward your down payment in the next 30 days. Setting a specific goal takes intimate knowledge of your financial behavior.While setting realistic goals takes work up front, the pay off is you’ll actually be able to meet them. This is the beauty of a realistic goal. Meeting one goal, motivates you to complete the next one, and then the domino effect is in place.

Green Candy will help you keep your goals all in one place


 green candy 2 To fill in the goal chart:1. Go to Green Candy
(In order to access the site, you will need to follow the steps below:)Step 1:  Visit
Step 2
:  Look for the word “Register” at the top of the page and click it.
Step 3
:  Enter the following registration code:  bulldogs

*Please note, this resource is for Butler faculty and staff only.*

2. Login to your account

3. Click ‘Tools’ in the menu bar

4. Click ‘Your Financial Goals’

Go to today!


10 Tips for Hot Summer Runs

running1. Acclimatize

It takes time for your body to adjust to hot and/or humid weather. Just because you can run a 10-miler at an 8-minute pace, doesn’t mean you can do the same when the dog days of summer approach. The American Running and Fitness Association recommends that on your first run in the heat, you should cut your intensity by 65 to 75 percent. Then over the next 10 days, slowly build back to your previous level.

2. Check the Index

Before heading out on your run, it’s a good idea to check the air quality index and the heat index. If the air quality index is code orange, and you’re sensitive to air pollution and/or have upper respiratory problems, you may not want to run. If it’s code red, it’s not suitable for anyone to run.

The Heat Index tells you what the temperature feels like when combining the air temperature and the relative humidity. For example, if the air temperature is 90 degrees and the relative humidity is 70 percent, then it’s going to feel as if it’s 106 degrees. Ouch! These are not good running conditions.

The weather section of your local TV station’s website usually provides air quality index and heat index information for your area.

3. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Many runners remember to rehydrate after their run and some consume water or sports drink during the run, but it’s even more important to be well-hydrated before you run. As a rule of thumb,  drinking 16 oz. of water two hours before your run will ensure good hydration levels and give the water time to pass through your system so you don’t have to make any pit stops during your run.

Hydration during your run depends on the temperature and the length of your run. If you’re running 4 miles or less, you probably won’t need to carry any water with you. If you’re running longer than 4 miles you may need to wear a hydration belt or stash some water/sports drink along your route, especially if it’s hot and humid.

Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink. If you’re thirsty, that means you’re already low on fluids. Also, as you age, your thirst mechanism isn’t as efficient and your body may in the early stages of dehydration and you may not even feel thirsty.

For the first 45 to 60 minutes, water is fine. After 60 minutes, you’ll need to start using a sports drink or supplementing with a sports gel or a salty food such as pretzels. After 60 minutes (and sometimes sooner if it’s really hot and you sweat a lot), you begin to deplete vital electrolytes (i.e., sodium, potassium, etc.). Sodium is needed in order for your body to absorb the fluids you’re ingesting. Ever get that sloshing feeling late in a run? That’s probably because your body is low on sodium and not able to absorb the fluids you’re drinking, so it just sits in your stomach and sloshes around not doing you any good. Depleted potassium levels can increase your chances of experiencing muscle cramps.

After your run, you need to replace the water you’ve lost. A good way to check this is to weigh before your run and then weigh after your run. Drink 16 oz. of water for every pound lost. After you do the weigh-in a few times, you’ll get a feel for how much rehydration you need depending on how much you sweat on your run.

On a hot long run, pack an extra bottle of water. Don’t drink this one. Instead, during the run periodically pour a little of the water on your head. This actually helps increase the evaporation-cooling effect.

4. Know the Warning Signs

Dehydration occurs when your body loses too much fluid. This can happen when you stop drinking water or lose large amounts of fluid through diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, or exercise. Not drinking enough fluids can cause muscle cramps. When you’re dehydrated, you may feel faint, experience nausea and/or vomiting, have heart palpitations, and/or experience lightheadedness.

Runners also need to be aware of the signs of severe dehydration such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke, not only for yourself, but so you’ll be able to identify the symptoms if a fellow runner is experiencing heat-related problems.

Heat Exhaustion usually develops after several days of exposure to high temperatures and inadequate intake of fluids. The elderly and people with high blood pressure are prone to heat exhaustion as well as people working or exercising in the heat. Heat exhaustion symptoms include heavy sweating, paleness, muscle cramps, tiredness, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, and/or fainting. With heat exhaustion, a person’s skin may feel cool and moist.

Cooling off is the main treatment for heat exhaustion. Drinking cool, non-alcoholic liquids may help as well as taking a cool shower, bath, or sponge bath. Getting into an air-conditioned environment will also help. If the conditions worsen or have not subsided within an hour, seek medical attention. If heat exhaustion is not treated, it may lead to heatstroke which needs immediate emergency medical attention. Call 9-1-1.

Heatstroke is the most severe of the heat-related problems. Like heat exhaustion, it often results from exercise or heavy work in hot environments combined with inadequate fluid intake. Children, older adults, obese people, and people who do not sweat properly are at high risk of heatstroke. Other factors that increase the risk of heat stroke include dehydration, alcohol use, cardiovascular disease and certain medications. Heatstroke is life threatening because the body loses its ability to deal with heat stress. It can’t sweat or control the body’s temperature. Symptoms of heatstroke include rapid heartbeat, rapid and shallow breathing, elevated or lowered blood pressure, lack of sweating, irritability, confusion or unconsciousness, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, headache, nausea, and/or fainting.

If you suspect heatstroke, call 9-1-1 immediately. Then try to move the person out of the sun and into a shady or air-conditioned space. Cool the person down by spraying them with cool water or wrapping them in cool damp sheets. Fan the person, and if possible, get the person to drink cool water.

5. Buddy Up

In the severe heat, be sure to run with a buddy. That way you can keep tabs on each other. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re starting to suffer the effects of the heat, but a buddy may be able to spot the signs before it’s too late.

6. Run Early

If at all possible, run in the early morning. The hottest part of the day is typically around 5 p.m. So, if you can’t run until after work, wait until later in the evening.

7. Go Technical

Wearing light-colored running tops and shorts made of technical fabrics will keep you cool and allow moisture to evaporate more quickly. Staying dry will also help prevent chafing. Clothing made of polyester, Lycra, Nylon, CoolMax, and Dry-Fit are some examples of technical fabrics. Mother Nature has a few good fabrics too. Clothing made from bamboo fibers as well as Smartwool are very effective in moisture management. Be sure to hang dry your technical fabric running clothes. The fabric softener in dryer sheets can actually block up the fabric decreasing its moisture-wicking abilities.

8. Change Your Route

If your normal running route is treeless, find one that provides more shade. If this isn’t possible and you have access to a treadmill, run indoors on really hot days.

9. Lather it on

Be sure to wear sunscreen. Research has shown that runners have a higher rate of skin cancer. This is probably due to the fact that we’re outside more than the average person and during the summer months we’re outside and wearing less clothing than the average person. So, be sure to use a sports sunscreen that’s waterproof with an SPF of 15 or higher. There are some brands of sunscreen available that are made to go on over wet skin. This is great for sweatier runners like. Also, be sure to wear sunglasses and a hat or visor. This will help to keep the sun out of your eyes as well as the sweat. Be sure the glasses provide 100 percent UV protection and that the hat is made of light technical fabric that promotes evaporation.

10. Have a Plan

Let your family and friends know your running route. If you’re gone too long, they’ll know where to look for you. If you run on rural greenways or trails, you may even want to pack your cell phone. Don’t change your running route plans at the last minute without letting someone know. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

July Personal Best

July Personal BestJuly Personal Best:

Sorry for the confusion on the July Personal Best blog post.  For the July Personal Best open this pdf.


  • The Emotional Side of Losing Weight
  • Checklist: Safeguard Your Health
  • Good Healthcare Takes Action
  • Eyeglasses or Contacts?
  • After the Heart Attack: FAQ’s
  • Friendships On The Job: Do They Work?
  • Strategies For Self-Motivation
  • Keep Your Cool for Less
  • Get To Good Financial Habits
  • Prepaid Cards
  • 10 Tips for National Fireworks Safety Month
  • Working in the Great Outdoors
  • Splish-Splash Safety
  • Cool Meals for Hot Days

Healthy Weight – it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle!

healthy eatingA healthy lifestyle involves many choices. Among them, choosing a balanced diet or healthy eating plan. So how do you choose a healthy eating plan? Let’s begin by defining what a healthy eating plan is.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, a healthy eating plan:

  • Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products
  • Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts
  • Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars
  • Stays within your daily calorie needs

Eat Healthfully and Enjoy It!

A healthy eating plan that helps you manage your weight includes a variety of foods you may not have considered. If “healthy eating” makes you think about the foods you can’t have, try refocusing on all the new foods you can eat—

  • Fresh fruits ― don’t think just apples or bananas. All fresh fruits are great choices. Be sure to try some “exotic” fruits, too. How about a mango? Or a juicy pineapple or kiwi fruit! When your favorite fresh fruits aren’t in season, try a frozen, canned, or dried variety of a fresh fruit you enjoy. One caution about canned fruits is that they may contain added sugars or syrups. Be sure and choose canned varieties of fruit packed in water or in their own juice.
  • Fresh vegetables ― try something new. You may find that you love grilled vegetables or steamed vegetables with an herb you haven’t tried like rosemary. You can sauté (panfry) vegetables in a non-stick pan with a small amount of cooking spray. Or try frozen or canned vegetables for a quick side dish — just microwave and serve. When trying canned vegetables, look for vegetables without added salt, butter, or cream sauces. Commit to going to the produce department and trying a new vegetable each week.
  • Calcium-rich foods ― you may automatically think of a glass of low-fat or fat-free milk when someone says “eat more dairy products.” But what about low-fat and fat-free yogurts without added sugars? These come in a wide variety of flavors and can be a great dessert substitute for those with a sweet tooth.
  • A new twist on an old favorite ― if your favorite recipe calls for frying fish or breaded chicken, try healthier variations using baking or grilling. Maybe even try a recipe that uses dry beans in place of higher-fat meats. Ask around or search the internet and magazines for recipes with fewer calories ― you might be surprised to find you have a new favorite dish!


Aquatic Exercises

Slide show: Aquatic exercises

sm00055-water-walking-with-hand-webs.ashxWater walking with hand webs:   1 of 6

Aquatic exercise is a low-impact activity that takes the pressure off your bones, joints and muscles. Water offers natural resistance, which helps strengthen your muscles. You can even do aquatic exercise if you don’t know how to swim.

You might start with water walking. In water that’s about waist-high, walk across the pool swinging your arms like you do when walking on land. Avoid walking on your tiptoes, and keep your back straight. Tighten your abdominal muscles to avoid leaning too far forward or to the side.

To increase resistance as your hands and arms move through the water, wear hand webs or other resistance devices. Water shoes can help you maintain traction on the bottom of the pool.



Eggplant in your Garden!

Grilled-Eggplant-Burgers_insidepage1-225x175Grilled Onion Eggplant Sandwiches

Eggplant’s complex, savory flavor is infused with smoke in these mouthwatering grilled vegetable sandwiches. Garlic chile mayo gives the aubergine base a kick, topped with fresh tomatoes, grilled onions and fresh basil. This recipe comes to us from Patricia of Grab A Plate. Serves 4

  • 1 small eggplant, sliced into 4 rounds, 1/2 inch thick
  • 2 teaspoons salt, divided
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 large white onion, sliced into 4 rounds, 1/4 inch thick
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, divded
  • 4 slices crusty bread
  • 4 tablespoons lowfat mayonnaise
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons garlic chile paste*
  • 1 large tomato, sliced into 4 rounds, 1/4 inch thick
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons fresh basil, chiffonade

*Garlic chile paste can be found in the condiment or Asian food section of most grocery stores. Your favorite hot sauce mixed with a mashed garlic clove can be substituted as a makeshift garlic chile paste.

Heat a grill to medium.

Lay the eggplant slices on paper towels and sprinkle with 1 of the teaspoons of salt. Let sit for 30 minutes, rinse and pat dry. Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil and season with the remaining teaspoon of the salt and the pepper. Transfer the eggplant slices to the grill and cook, turning frequently, for about 15 minutes, or until soft.

While the eggplant begins grilling, pierce the large onion slices lengthwise with metal skewers. Drizzle another tablespoon olive oil over the onions. Add the onions to the grill about 7 minutes after you put the eggplant on.  Cook the onions for 4 minutes, flip and cook 4 minutes more, or until they achieve grill marks.

When the eggplant and onion have finished cooking, remove them from the grill flame. Transfer the crusty slices of bread to the grill and cook for about 2 minutes per side, or until the bread has toasted.

Mix the mayonnaise and garlic chile paste together in a small bowl. Spread about 1 tablespoon per burger on each slice of bread and top with a piece of grilled eggplant. Top the eggplant with tomato, followed by grilled onion. Sprinkle with sliced basil and enjoy.

  • Nutrition Information

    Grilled Onion Eggplant Sandwiches

    Servings per Recipe: 4

    Amount per Serving

    Calories:  229

    Calories from Fat:  114

    Total Fat:  13g

    Saturated Fat:  2g

    Cholesterol:  4mg

    Sodium:  1400mg

    Carbohydrates:  27g

    Dietary Fiber:  5g

    Protein:  4g

    Sugars:  7g

Protect Your Skin From the Sun

It’s natural to want to get out in the sun when the days get longer and the temperature gets warmer. It’s also a good time to review the latest expert advice about how to protect your skin from damage.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays – from the sun and other sources like tanning beds – are the primary cause of skin cancer. Too much exposure can also cause sunburn, eye damage and premature wrinkles. But shielding your skin with clothing, broad-spectrum sunscreen of sun protection factor (SPF) 30 or higher, and staying in the shade can help lower your risk.

sun safteyTake these steps to stay sun-safe:

  • Cover up: When you are out in the sun, wear clothing and a wide-brimmed hat to protect as much skin as possible. Protect your eyes with sunglasses that block at least 99% of UV light.
  • Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF of at least 30: Be sure to reapply at least every 2 hours, as well as after swimming or sweating.
  • Seek shade: Limit your direct exposure to the sun, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when UV rays are strongest.
  • Avoid tanning beds and sunlamps: Both can cause serious long-term skin damage and contribute to skin cancer.

Choosing the right sunscreen

While you should use sunscreen every day of the year, it’s even more important during summertime, when the days are longer, the sun is stronger, and it’s easier to spend more time outdoors. When choosing sunscreen, be sure to read the label before you buy. US Food and Drug Administration regulations that went into effect in 2012 require the labels to follow certain guidelines. Our guide can help you understand the terminology.

  • Choose a sunscreen with “broad spectrum” protection. Sunscreens with this label protect against both UVA and UVB rays. All sunscreen products protect against UVB rays, which are the main cause of sunburn. But UVA rays also contribute to skin cancer and premature aging. Only products that pass a test can be labeled “broad spectrum.” Products that aren’t broad spectrum must carry a warning that they only protect against sunburn, not skin cancer or skin aging.
  • Make sure your sunscreen has a sun protection factor (SPF) 30 or higher. The SPF number is the level of protection the sunscreen provides against UVB rays. Higher SPF numbers do mean more protection, but the higher you go, the smaller the difference becomes. SPF 15 sunscreens filter out about 93% of UVB rays, while SPF 30 sunscreens filter out about 97%, SPF 50 sunscreens about 98%, and SPF 100 about 99%. No sunscreen protects you completely. The FDA requires any sunscreen with SPF below 15 to carry a warning that it only protects against sunburn, not skin cancer or skin aging.
  • “Water resistant” does not mean “waterproof.” No sunscreens are waterproof or “sweatproof,” and manufacturers are no longer allowed to claim that they are. If a product’s front label makes claims of being water resistant, it must specify whether it lasts for 40 minutes or 80 minutes while swimming or sweating. For best results, reapply sunscreen at least every 2 hours and even more often if you are swimming or sweating. Sunscreen usually rubs off when you towel yourself dry, so you will need to put more on.


The New Best Workout For Your Brain

summer readingEvery time you solve the daily crossword puzzle or get cozy with a copy of your favorite paperback, you are giving your brain a refreshing workout. New research reveals that participating in these types of brain-stimulating activities throughout your life can help keep your mind functioning smoothly as you get older.Chicago researchers studied the cognitive abilities of a group of 294 adults in their late 70s and 80s by surveying them on the amount of information-seeking activities they engaged in during their early childhood, adult, and late-life years. They checked in with them regularly for about six years prior to their deaths, after which they examined their brains at autopsy for common brain lesions and signs of dementia.

Those who participated in creative or intellectual pastimes more frequently over the course of their lifetime had about a 32% slower late-life cognitive decline rate than those who partook in these brainy enterprises less often, according to the study published in the journal Neurology. Mental activeness in youth years was particularly linked with late-life memory preservation.

Pastimes like reading, writing, and many others make the brain more efficient by changing its structure to continue functioning properly in spite of age-related neuropathologies, explains Robert S. Wilson, PhD, professor of neuropsychology at Rush University Medical Center.

“It’s healthy to take a look at your lifestyle and decide whether it’s as cognitively active as you can make it,” Dr. Wilson says. “The metaphor we use is a hobby. In order to change brain structure and function, it needs to be sustained, and for it to be sustained, it’s probably got to be enjoyable.”

Reading and writing are the prototype activities that were studied and found to have significant brain benefits over the years, but any hobby—photography, quilting, acting, or anything creative—that keeps your mind churning achieves similar positive effects

Enjoy the Thrill of the Grill – and a Meatless Monday


It’s hard to enjoy summer without grilling – but it’s easy to enjoy grilling without meat.  In fact, going with veggies on the barbi, or grilling up veggie burgers, will let you enjoy all that delicious smoky flavor you you love without sabotaging your swimsuit diet.

Then there are the health benefits of meatless grilling. Hotdogs unfortunately fall into that ‘processed meat’ category and eating too much processed meat may actually shave years off your life. Also, grilling meat at high temperatures, especially when it’s charred, can release cancer-causing compounds. Meatless grilling lets you avoid all that.

One of the best parts of summer grilling is the endless creativity it makes possible.  Almost anything can go on the grill, from pizza to pound cake, tofu to fruit slices.  So kick-off the summer in style by moving your Meatless Monday out of the kitchen and onto the grill.

To help you with that, we asked a good friend of Meatless Monday, Karen Caplan, President & CEO of Frieda’s Specialty Produce, to give us some tips about grilling fruits and vegetables.  What follows are some smokin’ suggestions from her:

“Grilling brings out the flavors of fruits and vegetables like no other cooking method can. But not a lot of people use the grill for vegetables, let alone fruits! Here are some tricks and tips to make grilling fruits and vegetables a breeze.

Grilling brings out the flavors of fruits and vegetables like no other cooking method can. But not a lot of people use the grill for vegetables, let alone fruits! Here are some tricks and tips to make grilling fruits and vegetables a breeze.

Well-oiled grate: Vegetables and fruits tend to stick to the grate more because of the caramelizing sugars. Brush some oil on the grate or use a no-stick cooking spray before adding your produce to the grill.

Use metal cooling rack as your veggie grill: I learned this tip from one of Alton Brown’s videos, and it works like a charm. Vegetables tend to fall through the grill grate. By putting a smaller grate cooling rack on the grate, you can still get beautiful grill marks without sacrificing too many slices to the fire.

Aluminum foil is your best friend: Vegetable packets are easy to make, cook, and clean up. Add your favorite vegetables onto a piece of aluminum foil, drizzle with some olive oil, and season with salt, pepper, and fresh herbs. Fold up the packet and seal the edges well. Set the packets on the grill and let the vegetables steam themselves. You can do the same with fruits and sugar, and serve over vanilla ice cream.

Skewers can also be your friends: Wooden or metal, 09_SimplyVegetarian777_Mushroom_Tikka_Masalaskewers make grilling fruits and vegetables easy AND fun! The key is to make sure all the pieces are about the same thickness so they cook evenly. Parboiled fingerling potatoes, pearl onions, shishito peppers, elephant garlic cloves, baby sunburst squash, and zucchini are all wonderful on skewers (it’s important to parboil them first, so they don’t dehydrate on the grill). Pineapple, watermelon, and other melon cubes are all delicious when lightly caramelized.

Try something unexpected: You can put more on the grill than onions, peppers, carrots, and zucchini! Did you know that you can grill leafy vegetables like Belgian endive, radicchio, baby bok choy, and even romaine lettuce? They actually get sweeter when a little charred. You can also grill fava beans in the pods and eat them whole, pods and all. Try avocado halves, grilled right in the skin. As for fruits, have you ever had grilled starfruit? Slice them thick and put them on skewers with other fruits for fun fruit kebabs!