Summertime Wellness Tips

summerSummertime gives increased opportunities for outdoor exercise, a widened selection of health-boosting, fresh produce and a chance to renew your energy and spirits. Get the most out of the warmer weather by following these tips for a safe and refreshing summer.

Enjoy outdoor exercise opportunities.

With the summer months come warmer weather and more opportunities to be physically active outside. Take a break from the gym to challenge your muscles with different activities and terrains. Hiking, biking, walking, running, gardening, yard work and rollerblading are all great activities to help you meet the recommended 2 ½ hours of exercise per week. Many communities and companies have outdoor sports leagues during the summer months as well. Consider joining for extra activity in a social setting! Remember to stay well-hydrated when exercising in warm weather by bringing a water bottle with you and drinking from it often. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty.  By then, you’re starting to dehydrate.  Use sunscreen–an SPF of 30 or more is best–and reapply every two hours.  A wide-brimmed hat can help to protect your face, shoulders and neck from exposure to UV rays. During extreme heat waves, the best time to get outdoor exercise is during the morning or evening, when the weather is cooler.

Widen your produce horizon.

Summertime harvests provide an impressive bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables. The array of vitamins and minerals in your diet increases when you select produce of various colors. Fruits and vegetables are also high in fiber and naturally low in fat, with many antioxidant vitamins that help protect against cancer and heart disease. During the summer, try bell peppers, zucchini, summer squash, eggplant, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, sweet corn and a wide range of lettuces. For added the added health benefit of omega-3 fatty acids, a handful of walnuts makes a great salad topping and also goes well with fruit and non-fat yogurt.  If you’re bored with your produce aisle, visit a local farmer’s market for a summertime treat. 

Boost your health with aquatic activity.

Swimming in a pool or body of water provides more than just good exercise: water-based activity is gentler on joints than land-based exercise, helping with arthritis and fibromyalgia symptoms; also, swimming helps reduce stress levels and improve mood.  If that’s not enough, swimming is also a high calorie-burning activity: an hour of swimming can burn up to 650 calories, depending on how much you weigh. Always remember sunscreen and reapply after swimming, even if the sunscreen is labeled “waterproof.”

De-stress in a natural setting.

Green leaves, wild flowers, chirping birds, lapping water…breath in the sights and sounds that come with the summer months. Spending time in a natural setting can sooth the soul and reduce stress. Take time to relax and enjoy your surroundings. Read a book on your porch, rest in a hammock or spend time at a park or the beach. You can also check the schedule of a local community center, national park or nature club for upcoming activities like outdoor Yoga or nature hikes.   Bring your digital camera along to capture  unique and fun images. 

Gain the health benefits of tea.

Iced tea is popular during the summer months as a refreshing beverage of choice. Tea, beyond refreshment, provides other benefits that can help to improve health. Tea contains antioxidant, cancer- and heart-protective polyphenols. It also has less caffeine than coffee and soda, to boost concentration without getting jittery. For a new twist, try making sun-brewed tea: use 4 to 6 tea bags and fill a 2-quart glass container with water. Place the container in sunlight for 3 to 5 hours to brew the sun tea.

Expand your intellect by learning a new skill.

Build on your current bank of knowledge by learning something new this summer. Many colleges and community centers offer adult education programs, especially during the summer months. Learning new skills helps keep the mind sharp and adds to a feeling of self-fulfillment. Taking a class can help you meet new people with similar interests and build a wider social support network. Try picking up another language, building on your cooking skills, or learning how to paint, draw or play a musical instrument. 

Be healthier and stay safe this summer by incorporating positive wellness habits into your every day.

Eating Healthy In A Busy World – Healthy Horizons Lunch and Learn, tomorrow, Thursday, June 25th, Noon, PB204

Green Bean del logoEating Healthy In A Busy WorldPlease join Healthy Horizons for a lunch and learn presentation by Travis Summit of Green Bean Delivery.  The discussion will focus on eating healthy in our busy world and will include tips and tricks on how to set manageable goals, be organized and prepared, and be a smart shopper.

Travis will provide samples of organic fruits.  Also, attendees will have the opportunity to win a Green Bean Delivery gift certificate.

Please RSVP by email to or calling X8143.

Men’s Health Week, June 15-21

mens cancer awareness     mens health awareness 1

Cancer Among Men

Note: The numbers in parentheses are the rates per 100,000 men of all races and Hispanic* origins combined in the United States.

Three Most Common Cancers Among Men

Prostate cancer (128.3)

  • First among men of all races and Hispanic* origin populations.

Lung cancer (73.0)

  • Second among men of all races and Hispanic* origin populations.

Colorectal cancer (46.1)

  • Third among men of all races and Hispanic* origin populations.

Leading Causes of Cancer Death Among Men

Lung cancer (57.9)

  • First among men of all races and Hispanic* origin populations.

Prostate cancer (20.8)

  • Second among white, black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Hispanic* men.
  • Fourth among Asian/Pacific Islander men.

Colorectal cancer (18.1)

  • Third among men of all races and Hispanic* origin populations.

Liver cancer

  • Second among Asian/Pacific Islander men.

Source: U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group. United States Cancer Statistics: 1999–2011 Incidence and Mortality Web-based Report. Atlanta (GA): Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Cancer Institute; 2014.

*Hispanic origin is not mutually exclusive from race categories (white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaska Native).

National Men’s Health Week, June 15-21

men's health monthMen can make their health a priority. Take daily steps to be healthier and stronger.

Celebrate National Men’s Health Week, June 15-21, 2015.

  • Take a bike ride.
  • Toss a ball.
  • Eat less salt.
  • Try more veggies.

There are many easy things you can do every day to improve your health and stay healthy.

Get Good Sleep

Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. Also, insufficient sleep is responsible for motor vehicle and machinery-related accidents, causing substantial injury and disability each year. Sleep guidelines from the National Sleep Foundation have noted that sleep needs change as we age. In general, adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep.

Toss out the Tobacco

It’s never too late to quit. Quitting smoking has immediate and long-term benefits. It improves your health and lowers your risk of heart disease, cancer, lung disease, and other smoking-related illnesses.

Also avoid being around secondhand smoke. Inhaling other people’s smoke causes health problems similar to those that smokers have. Babies and kids are still growing, so the poisons in secondhand smoke hurt them more than adults.

Move More

Adults need at least 2½ hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (such as brisk walking) every week, and muscle strengthening activities that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms) on two or more days a week. You don’t have to do it all at once. Spread your activity out during the week, and break it into smaller chunks of time during the day.

Eat Healthy

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. They are sources of many vitamins, minerals, and other natural substances that may help protect you from chronic diseases. Limit foods and drinks high in calories, sugar, salt, fat, and alcohol. Choose healthy snacks.

Tame Stress

Sometimes stress can be good. However, it can be harmful when it is severe enough to make you feel overwhelmed and out of control. Take care of yourself. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Find support. Connect socially. Stay active.

Stay on Top of Your Game

See your doctor or nurse for regular checkups. Certain diseases and conditions may not have symptoms, so checkups help diagnose issues early or before they can become a problem.

Pay attention to signs and symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, excessive thirst, and problems with urination. If you have these or symptoms of any kind, be sure to see your doctor right away. Don’t wait!

Keep track of your numbers for blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, body mass index (BMI), or any others you may have. If your numbers are high or low, your doctor or nurse can explain what they mean and suggest how you can get them to a healthier range. Be sure to ask him or her what tests you need and how often you need them.

Get vaccinated. Everyone needs immunizations to stay healthy, no matter how old you are. Even if you had vaccines as a child, immunity can fade with time. Vaccine recommendations are based on a variety of factors, including age, overall health, and your medical history.

Vaccines can protect you, your loved ones, and your community from serious diseases like: influenza (flu); shingles; pneumococcal disease; human papillomavirus (HPV) infection; and tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whopping cough)–all three of which the Tdap shot protects against.

Other vaccinations you may need include those that protect against hepatitis A, hepatitis B, chickenpox (varicella), measles, mumps, and rubella. Ask your doctor or nurse which vaccines you need to stay healthy.

Find Affordable Healthcare

Federally funded health centers around the United States provide care, even if you have no health insurance. You can get health care and pay what you can afford, based on your income.


Honey Chipotle Salmon – Five Ingredient Friday, Grilling Style!

salmonHoney Chipotle Salmon
Servings: 4
Serving Size: 4 oz.
Nutritional Information: 225 calories, 12g of fat, 6.5g of carbohydrates, 0g of fiber, 22.5g of protein, 6.5g of sugar
Weight Watchers® PointsPlus®: 5 *



  • 1 lb. salmon fillet, skinless
  • 1.5 tbsp. honey
  • 1.5 tbsp. chipotle peppers, pureed or minced
  • 1 tbsp. lime juice


  1. Preheat grill to medium high heat. Alternatively preheat the oven to 500 degrees.
  2. Stir together the honey, chipotle puree, and lime juice.
  3. Place the salmon on a heavy piece of foil. Season with salt and pepper. Brush the salmon with the chipotle and honey glaze.
  4. Place on the grill and close. Cook for 8-10 minutes until salmon is cooked through and flaky. For oven cooking, cook for 8-10 minutes and broil for last minute for a caramelized top.
  5. Mango Salsa: I served my salmon with a quick mango salsa made with 1 mango, 1/2 avocado, 1/4 cup cilantro, red onion, lime juice, salt, pepper, and a touch of cumin.