Author Archives: Mary Proffitt
Fall Rewards Card
There’s plenty of time to work on fall reward points!
The 2014 Fall Rewards Card is now available on the Healthy Horizons website:
In an effort to maintain and grow a Green Campus, the form may be completed online and emailed directly to Healthy Horizons!
Alzheimer’s Information Fair – November 12th
Alzheimer’s disease affects over 5 million Americans. Every 67 seconds someone in the US develops the disease. The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is sponsoring an Alzheimer’s information fair on Wednesday November 12th from 10AM-2 PM. Tables will be set up throughout the Pharmacy and Health Sciences building, and students and faculty will provide information on the disease, management, care giver tips, and healthy living. The College of Communications will staff a table and provide information on how to talk to someone with dementia; and the local Alzheimer’s Association will also be on campus. Please plan to attend!
Wednesday November 12, 2014, 10 AM-2 PM, Pharmacy and Health Science Building
November Newsletter
- Live Well With Type 2 Diabetes
- Tobacco: Quitters Win
- Do e-cigarettes help smokers quit
- Yoga: Something for Everyone
- Living with COPD
- The Scoop on Energy Drinks
- The Art of Listening
- Turning Wishes Into Actions
- Staying Connected on the Road
- Quitting Smoking: Big Payoff
- Managing Multiple Credit Cards
- Designed for Safety
- Work it Out
- Ice Issues
- The Lowdown on Fructose
Medicare Part D Information Sessions
Healthy Horizons Success Story – Jeanne VanTyle
The anticoagulant medication warfarin (also called Coumadin) prevents the formation of blood clots; clots can cause strokes, pulmonary emboli, and other life-threatening conditions. Healthy Horizons offers free INR (International Normalized Ratio) monitoring to Butler personnel taking warfarin to test the ongoing effectiveness of their dosages. For the past four years, Professor of Pharmacy Practice Jeanne VanTyle has gone to Healthy Horizons for regular INR monitoring.
Free classes at REI in Castleton
October Newsletter
- Fitness with a Touch of Technology
- Breast Cancer: Lower your risk with weight loss and exercise
- Cold Relief
- Physical Therapy: Back to Active
- Inflammation Linked to Many Disorders
- Making Happiness Last
- How to Avoid Overthinking
- Email and Texting Etiquette
- Emergency Fund: Everyone Needs One
- Rewards at the Pump
- TopDollar Dictionary: Lease to Buy
- Social Media Precautions
- 10 Ways to Prevent Crime
- Jump-Start Safety
- Food Habits Everyone Needs
- Dr. Zorba’s Corner: E-cigarettes may be hazardous to your health
A Tip From Pete the Planner: Create Your Own Money Education Week
Personal finances are confusing. From retirement planning to budgeting to paying off debt, there are a lot of terms and concepts to know and understand. It’s dangerous to oversimplify, but it’s just as harmful to stay stuck in denial. Your finances are your responsibility. Confusion isn’t a good excuse when there are unlimited resources at your fingertips. This is why creating your own financial awareness week is a great idea. List out the topics you don’t understand and the questions you have about your own financial life, and then do your research. Check out for resources on tons of common topics like what you should spend on food each month, how to make major purchase decisions, and the best way to pay off debt. Another great resource is, which is filled with videos, podcasts, and guidebooks. If you haven’t already created an account use the code ‘bulldogs’ to get your free account now.
Pete the Planner’s Holiday Savings League
Avoid the holidays from sneaking up on you this year, and join Pete the Planner’s Holiday Savings League with Healthy Horizons!
This bi-weekly email program will help you stay on track with your holiday shopping budget. The entire point of the Pete the Planner Holiday Savings League is to make holiday spending easier on you. You need to establish your holiday budget right now. Take a few minutes to consider how much money you can afford to spend this coming holiday season. Throughout the program, you’ll be eligible for great prizes, and you’ll be able to love receiving your mail again in January and February.
The program will kick off with the first email on Sept. 23rd. Registration will be open through Thursday, Sept. 18th.
Learn more and register now.
Questions? Please contact Healthy Horizons at or by calling extension 8143.