The Power of Food: Seven Short Stories
When and Where:
Sunday, November 5, 2017 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM
at Shortridge High School
The Historic Caleb Mills Auditorium, 3401 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN
Special Venue Instructions: Free parking on 34th and Pennsylvania Streets in front of the auditorium entrance. ADA accessible entrance and additional parking lot on the north side of the school. Use Door #11.
Brandon Crosby
Event Description:
Food is our power, our fuel, our tradition, our community. Listen to seven personal stories about the power of food from seven ordinary people you’ve never heard from before, but should.
Whether a celebratory feast or a simple family dinner, food has the ability to bring people together and create a sense of community. This event will explore food’s power by highlighting a Learning Garden with school-led tours. Participants are also invited to hear everyday Indy residents share their food stories in a competitive format where the audience will vote on the most powerful story. Followed by a reception to mingle with storytellers and various organizations focused on healthy eating and increasing food access in the city.
Garden tours from 2:30—3pm, storytelling from 3—4pm, and reception from 4—5pm.
Walk-ins welcome, but RSVPs encouraged by Nov. 4.
Presented by The Kitchen Community, Shortridge High School, Growing Places Indy, Flanner House, and Green Bean Delivery.
IndyGo: 18, 19, 28, 38, & 39