It is commonly known that bullying is one of the biggest challenges for today’s teenagers. This fact is both sad and dangerous. Our young people are being subjected to mental anguish over silly, if not trivial differences. As we collectively battle this problem as a society, it’s shocking to realize that financial bullying is a part of many of our lives. Financial bullying can come in many forms, but more importantly, it can ruin just about any relationship.
There are two equally-weighted votes in every relationship. You have a vote. And your partner has a vote. By its nature, this means a disagreement is caused when there are dissenting opinions and the votes cast offset each other to bring about a dead heat. Our ability to resolve disagreements is crucial to the survival of our relationships. Money just happens to be one of the most disagreeable topics, for any marriage.
For more information and tips from Pete the Planner, please visit his website, check out his radio show, watch him on TV, or take a look at his new column in the IndyStar.
And, don’t forget, as faculty or staff of Butler University, you have FREE access to all of Pete the Planner’s financial resources from!
This site is the comprehensive home to all of Pete the Planner’s financial wellness guides, videos, worksheets, calculators, and all other resources needed to make significant financial change.
In order to access the site, you will need to follow the steps below:
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Look for the word “Register” at the top of the page and click it.
Step 3: Enter the following registration code: bulldogs
*Please note, this resource is for Butler faculty and staff only.*