Have fun and relax using the tool of creative writing
$45/$30 M
In the past ten years, medical professionals, clinicians and artists have recognized the therapeutic value of creative writing. We invite you to join Hilene Flanzbaum, Ph.D. and her Butler MFA students as they use short readings and other creative prompts to help you explore this enjoyable path to self-discovery and wellness.Dr. Flanzbaum has taught creative writing more than 30 years and is a professor of English at Butler University where she also directs the Masters program in Creative Writing. She is a member of the National Association of Poetry Therapy (NAPT), a poet, and non-fiction writer whose work has appeared in O Magazine, Indianapolis Monthly, Ploughshares, The Massachusetts Review, Tikkun, and others. She and her family are long-time JCC members.
Please bring a writing implement and something in which to capture your writings. Minimum of 5, maximum of 10 students.