Early AM Year-Round Free Fitness Workout

The November Project:  A free local year-round, outdoor fitness workout downtown!

This is part of a movement, “The November Project”

November Project™ is a FREE fitness movement that was born in Boston as a way to stay in shape during cold New England months. Now present in multiple cities around the world, the movement is using a simple sense of accountability (verbal) to motivate and encourage people of all ages, shapes, sizes and fitness levels to get out of their beds and get moving.

Members vary from Olympic medalists, professional athletes, marathoners, triathletes, current and former collegiate athletes all the way to complete fitness rookies and recent couch potatoes just looking to kick-start their healthy life choices. If you think that you’re not fit enough to join the group, stop thinking and come see what the fuss is all about.

Once a week, Wed. morning, 5:28 / 6:15 AM at the INDIANA WAR MEMORIAL.
431 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, 46204

JUST SHOW UP! It’s really that simple. We welcome everyone and anyone regardless of age or fitness level. Our members range from professional athletes and Olympians to recent couch potatoes that decided to do something about their fitness. Workouts are scalable and designed to encourage constant progress and improvement. Oh did we mention that it’s FREE FOR LIFE!!! To find out about where we meet please check out:

