Financial Assistance from Parents can be Crippling
Any time you bring up family and money, it’s bound to get awkward. Whether you are a parent with grown children or an adult with very generous parents, it’s time to consider how gifts of money affect your finances. We’ll start with parents supporting adult children. Bankrolling your kids well past college is enabling them to make bad financial decisions. But even more importantly, it may be preventing, or pushing back, your retirement plans. It’s time to re-prioritize. Are you an adult child being supported, even in part, by your parents? It’s time to cut yourself off. Being an independent adult means solving your own financial problems. You may need to cut expenses, or get a second job, but that’s part of growing up. A true sign of financial wellness is making the responsible, and oftentimes, hard decision to not give or accept financial gifts to or from family members.
And, don’t forget, as faculty or staff of Butler University, you have FREE access to all of Pete the Planner’s financial resources from!
This site is the comprehensive home to all of Pete the Planner’s financial wellness guides, videos, worksheets, calculators, and all other resources needed to make significant financial change.
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