Pete the Planner’s Guide to Saving Money on Groceries
Every month you consume around 93 meals. Multiply that by however many people reside in your home and it’s no wonder your grocery bill is so high. Some say ignorance is bliss and the ease of walking through a grocery store, grabbing what you want, and not worrying about the price, may prove the theory. But at some point this behavior will catch up with you. Don’t become a victim of your grocery bill; putting in the effort to cut expenses now will prevent future hardship.
The best way to save on groceries is to plan ahead. Spend time creating a meal plan and an accompanying grocery list, then go to the store alone. It may sound strange, but the more bodies in the store inevitably results in a higher grocery bill. By preparing a list and going alone, you’ll be surprised at how much you will save each month.
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